Versatile Revetments for Erosion Control
A rugged concrete revetment system that is the proven solution for tough erosion
control problems comprising of a machine made concrete block that will withstand
the ravages of time and weather.
Laid by hand, it is tailor made for sites with difficult access where pre-assembled
mat systems, needing heavy equipment and craneage, cannot be used.
The versatility of Armorloc makes it the ideal revetment for rivers, drainage channels,
canals, marinas, boat ramps, secondary dam crests and spillways, small weirs and overflow
channels, culvert and structure aprons, bridge abutment paving and other similar uses.
Download the Armorloc Brochure
The Armorloc brochure is provided as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file. Click here to download the information.
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Please note the file may take a few moments to download. If you have any questions about Armorloc or any of
our erosion control products, please contact us.